
JMeter 如何并发执行 Python 脚本

7 2024-09-18


查看原文:JMeter 如何并发执行 Python 脚本
Summary of How to Concurrently Execute Python Scripts in JMeter

Summary of How to Concurrently Execute Python Scripts in JMeter

To execute Python scripts concurrently in JMeter, one can use either Jython scripts or the external Python script calling method.

Concurrent Execution Using Jython Script

  1. Create a Thread Group by right-clicking on the Test Plan in JMeter and navigating to "Add" -> "Thread Group". Configure the number of threads and loop count.
  2. Add a Java Request by right-clicking on the Thread Group, then selecting "Add" -> "Sampler" -> "Java Request". Write the Jython script code in the script area.
  3. Implement concurrent execution within the Jython script by using threading and subprocess to call the external Python script.
        import subprocess
        import threading
        def run_script():
            subprocess.call(["python", "your_script.py"])
        for i in range(10):
            thread = threading.Thread(target=run_script)

Concurrent Execution Using External Python Script

  1. Create a Thread Group as mentioned above.
  2. Add a Test Fragment by right-clicking on the Thread Group and selecting "Add" -> "Logic Controller" -> "Test Fragment".
  3. Add an OS Process Sampler to the Test Fragment by right-clicking and selecting "Add" -> "Sampler" -> "OS Process Sampler".
  4. Configure the OS Process Sampler with the command to execute the Python script. If no parameters or specific working directory is needed, these fields can be left empty.
  5. Set up script output monitoring by adding an output file path under the OS Process Sampler for later result analysis.
  6. Add a Result Collector by right-clicking on the Thread Group, then selecting "Add" -> "Listener" -> "Aggregate Report" to collect and display a summary of the execution results.
  7. Run the test plan by clicking the "Run" button in JMeter, ensuring that Python is installed correctly and the script path is accurate.


查看原文:JMeter 如何并发执行 Python 脚本