
3.Nginx yum安装

118 2024-07-21


查看原文:3.Nginx yum安装
Article Summary

This script includes a collection of functions used for managing text overflows in HTML elements, ensuring that content fits within its container without spilling over. It also includes a method to set and format descriptions for various content types on a webpage.

The first part comprises utility functions for converting array-like objects and iterables to arrays, handling non-iterable spreads, and creating consumable arrays from different data structures. Functions such as _arrayLikeToArray, _arrayWithoutHoles, _iterableToArray, _unsupportedIterableToArray, and _nonIterableSpread provide these functionalities.

The core functionality is the textOverflow function, which truncates text content to fit within a specified number of lines. The function calculates if text overflow is necessary, and if so, it performs a binary search to find the optimal cut-off point, preserving a certain number of child nodes at the end of the content if required.

Additional helper functions include computeLineNum to calculate the number of lines an element's content occupies, removeAllChild to clear an element's content, and setNewFrag to replace an element's content with a new fragment.

The __setDesc function is designed to manipulate and format descriptions for various content types, such as images, text, and videos. It sanitizes and processes the text, handles emoji conversions, filters links specific to WeChat, and manages layout adjustments based on content type and additional data provided.

The script concludes with a conditional statement that determines if the __setDesc function should be executed, based on the presence of content types and item show types. It sets the description accordingly for different contexts like videos, text content, or standard descriptions, using the extended data such as super vote IDs when available.


查看原文:3.Nginx yum安装