

233 2024-07-21


Article Summary

This script is a JavaScript function that dynamically handles text overflow in HTML elements, using a variety of utility functions to manipulate arrays and strings. Its primary function is to manage the display of text by truncating it and appending an ellipsis or custom HTML if the text overflows its containing element.

The script includes functions to convert iterable objects to arrays, check if an object is iterable, and create a consumable array from various inputs. It also defines a method to calculate the number of lines of text within an element based on its line height and height.

The main function, textOverflow, checks if the text overflows and should be truncated. If necessary, it uses a binary search algorithm to find the point at which the text should be cut off and adds a custom HTML element or ellipsis at the end. It also preserves a specified number of child nodes at the end of the text, if required by the binding value.

Additionally, the script includes a function, __setDesc, that sanitizes and sets the description text for different types of media content like videos, text, and images. It handles encoding issues, filters out unwanted links, and adjusts the display based on the content and container size. It supports immersive full description and handles content for different item display types.

In summary, the script performs text overflow handling and description setting for HTML elements based on content type and display requirements, with provisions for custom HTML snippets, line clamping, and handling of special content like videos and images.

