
4. Nexus3配置Debian的apt镜像代理

181 2024-07-21


查看原文:4. Nexus3配置Debian的apt镜像代理
Article Summary

The provided script includes functions for manipulating arrays and DOM elements to handle text overflow in HTML elements. The main utility function textOverflow is designed to truncate text that exceeds a specified number of lines within an HTML element, appending an ellipsis or custom HTML to indicate omitted content.

The utility functions such as _arrayLikeToArray, _iterableToArray, and _toConsumableArray are used to convert array-like and iterable objects into arrays. The textOverflow function checks whether the text within an element exceeds the defined line limit or the element's visible area. If it does, the text is programmatically truncated, and the additional HTML or ellipsis is appended to the content.

Additionally, the script provides functions to compute the number of lines of text within an element (computeLineNum), remove all child nodes from an element (removeAllChild), and set new content within an element (setNewFrag). The main text truncation process involves creating a range object, finding the last visible node and character index, and then updating the element's content accordingly.

The __setDesc function is used to modify the description content of various HTML elements based on the type of item being displayed (e.g., video, text, shareable content). It handles encoding and formatting, and can also trigger the text overflow behavior for certain item display types. The script concludes with conditional logic to determine which content to process based on the presence of certain global variables, and assigns the __setDesc function to the global window object if it's not a second open instance.


查看原文:4. Nexus3配置Debian的apt镜像代理