

323 2024-07-21


SonarQube Installation Summary

1. SonarQube Overview

SonarQube is a static code analysis platform that continuously assesses code quality, supporting over twenty programming languages including Java, JavaScript, C#, C, and C++. It identifies potential bugs, vulnerabilities, code smells, duplications, and sections of code lacking unit tests. SonarQube consists of four main components: SonarQube Server, SonarQube Database, SonarQube Scanners, and SonarQube Plugins. The server has three main processes: Web Server for UI management, Search Server based on Elasticsearch, and Compute Engine Server for code analysis and database storage.

2. SonarQube Installation

Prior to SonarQube installation, JDK (version 11 or higher) and PostgreSQL are required as MySQL is no longer supported. Download the community edition of SonarQube from the official site and unzip it to a directory such as C:\jenkins\sonarqube-9.3.0. Create a database named 'sonar' for SonarQube service connection. Update the database configuration in the sonar.properties file located in the conf folder with the relevant PostgreSQL details.

3. Starting SonarQube

The startup script for SonarQube service is located in the bin directory. For Windows, the specific script is StartSonar.bat found in the windows-x86-64 subdirectory. Upon successful launch, the SonarQube service will automatically create the necessary table structures in the 'sonar' database.

4. Accessing SonarQube Service

SonarQube service runs on the default port 9000, and can be accessed at http://localhost:9000. The default login credentials are 'admin' for both username and password. It is strongly recommended to change the admin password immediately after first login. Once logged in, the home page provides a UI to manage and view code quality assessments.

In conclusion, SonarQube service setup is complete and ready for use.

