
搭建域名方式访问 Nexus3

60 2024-07-21


查看原文:搭建域名方式访问 Nexus3
Article Summary

The provided script appears to be a JavaScript module focused on handling text overflow in web elements. It defines several utility functions for converting iterable and non-iterable objects into arrays, and it includes the main function textOverflow which is responsible for truncating text that exceeds certain limits, such as the number of lines specified or the element's height.

The textOverflow function works by determining if an element's text needs to be truncated. If so, it recursively finds the last visible node and character to ensure the text fits within the specified limits. It also deals with appending a custom HTML element (e.g., ellipsis) to signal more content is available.

The script also contains computeLineNum to calculate the number of lines an element's text occupies, removeAllChild to clear an element's contents, and setNewFrag to replace an element's contents with a new fragment.

Another key function, __setDesc, is designed to manipulate and set descriptions for various elements, with special handling for links and embedded WeChat content. It sanitizes and formats text, and can adjust elements' appearance based on the content's length and specified display types. This function also works with immersive styles and ensures that text is displayed correctly in various contexts.

The script concludes by assigning __setDesc to the window object if certain conditions are met, enabling its usage globally within the web page. It is set to manage descriptions for video content, text content, or other content types based on the existence of certain variables.


查看原文:搭建域名方式访问 Nexus3