
Java 近期新闻:JDK 22 RC2、Spring 生态系统、Payara Platform

77 2024-07-18


查看原文:Java 近期新闻:JDK 22 RC2、Spring 生态系统、Payara Platform
Java News Roundup

Java News Roundup: JDK, GraalVM, Spring, and More

OpenJDK: The early access builds of Project Jextract from OpenJDK, based on the upcoming JDK 22 GA, and Project Loom, based on JDK 23 early access Build 10, are now available to the Java community. These bring improvements such as better integration of synchronized methods with virtual threads for Project Loom.

JDK Releases: JDK 23 Early Access Build 11 has been released with various updates and fixes since Build 10, and JDK 22 Early Access Build 36 remains the current version. JDK 22 is expected to reach GA on March 19, 2024, as announced by Mark Reinhold from Oracle. Developers can report bugs via the Java Bug Database for both JDK 23 and 22.

GraalVM: Native Build Tools 0.10.1, a part of the GraalVM project, has been released, featuring plugins for interoperability with GraalVM Native Image and addressing issues like the FileSystemAlreadyExistsException and other plugin-related improvements.

Spring Framework: Several Spring projects have released new milestone and maintenance versions, including Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring AI, Spring for GraphQL, Spring Modulith, Spring Authorization Server, Spring Batch, Spring for Apache Kafka, and Spring for Apache Pulsar, each bringing bug fixes, documentation improvements, dependency upgrades, and new features like improved configurations, tracing support, and more.

Payara: The February 2024 releases of Payara Platform Community 6.2024.2 and Enterprise 6.11.0 are out, including new features, bug fixes, and dependency upgrades.

Quarkus: Red Hat has released Quarkus 3.7.4, addressing several critical issues like performance degradation with @VirtualThreadUnit, OIDC server availability, and Hibernate Reactive problems post-update.

Micronaut: Micronaut Foundation has released the Micronaut Framework 4.3.3, which includes updates to core components, bug fixes, and documentation improvements.

Infinispan: Infinispan 14.0.25.Final has been released with dependency upgrades and significant changes, such as fixing NullPointerException and computeAsync() issues.

Apache Software Foundation: New releases from Apache include Camel 4.4.0 with new plugins and features, Tomcat 9.0.86 and 8.5.99 with CSRF protection improvements, and Log4j 3.0.0-beta2 and 2.23.0 with performance improvements and bug fixes.

JobRunr: JobRunr 6.3.5 has been released, fixing a bug related to IllegalStateException caused by an unknown value of implMethodKind from Java SerializedLambda.

Eclipse Vert.x: Eclipse Vert.x 4.5.4 brings important changes, including improvements to sendFile() and solving class finding issues in ClassLoaderUtils.

Testcontainers for Java: Testcontainers for Java 1.19.6 is out with bug fixes, dependency upgrades, and new modules supporting various databases.

Gradle: The first release candidate for Gradle 8.7 is available, providing support for Java 22 project compilation, testing, running, and various improvements in build caching and configuration.

Disclaimer: This article is a translation from InfoQ and is not allowed to be republished without permission.


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