
制品库 Jfrog Artifactory 搭建私服

193 2024-07-21


查看原文:制品库 Jfrog Artifactory 搭建私服
Article Summary

JFrog Artifactory Overview

JFrog Artifactory is a highly powerful binary repository manager used by many Fortune 500 companies, such as Google, Apple, Cisco, Oracle, Huawei, and Tencent. It has a leading position in the binary software artifact management field, with a complex categorization of versions for releases. There are several subscription types including Pro, Pro X, Enterprise X, Enterprise+, Artifactory OSS, Artifactory CE, and JFrog Container Registry, each serving different needs and some of them being free.

Installation of JFrog Artifactory

To install JFrog Artifactory for Java Maven projects, the OSS version is downloaded from the official community website. An example download could be a zip file named jfrog-artifactory-oss-7.35.2-windows.zip, which is simply extracted to a directory, such as C:\jenkins\artifactory-oss7. Configuration involves editing a YAML file and setting up a MySQL database using provided scripts. The MySQL database version should be 8.x or higher, and the corresponding driver needs to be downloaded and placed in the specified directory. To start the service, a batch file is executed, and the database is then checked.

Configuring JFrog Artifactory

After starting the JFrog Artifactory service, it can be accessed at http://localhost:8082/ui/. The default admin credentials are found in a README.txt file, and upon logging in, the user is guided through initial setup steps including setting a new password and skipping optional configurations until the homepage appears.

Creating a Repository in JFrog Artifactory

JFrog Artifactory supports four types of repositories: remote, local, virtual, and distribution. Each type serves different scenarios, such as caching artifacts from other repositories, storing local build outputs, aggregating multiple repositories for team collaboration, and distributing artifacts publicly via JFrog Bintray SaaS with CDN acceleration. To create a repository, the user clicks on "Create a Repository," selects Maven for a remote repository, inputs "remote-cnter" as the repository key, leaves default values, and then creates the repository.


查看原文:制品库 Jfrog Artifactory 搭建私服