如何使用 RSA 加密 JWT


Article Summary
1. Introduction to nimbus-jose-jwt
This article introduces the use of the nimbus-jose-jwt package version 9.23 by com.nimbusds for RSA encryption of JWTs.
2. Generating Keys with OpenSSL
- Creation of an RSA private key using the openssl command with AES-256 encryption.
- Derivation of the corresponding RSA public key from the private key.
- Conversion from PKCS1 to PKCS8 format to comply with Java's default requirement for key formatting.
3. Adding Configuration to application.yml
Example configuration in application.yml with private and public keys specified, including a transformed private key.
4. Parsing Configuration Files
Definition of a configuration object (CertVO) to hold the certificate details and the corresponding configuration object (CertificateConfig) to manage the list of certificates.
5. Defining JWT Payload Object
Creation of a JwtPayloadVO class to encapsulate the JWT payload data such as token id, company id, app id, issuer, subject, expiration time, creation time, and user id.
6. Generating and Validating JWT
Implementation of the CertificateProvider class that includes:
- Initialization of RSA private keys and a verifier map.
- Methods to load RSA public and private keys from string format.
- Generation of access tokens using JWT payload data and the private key.
- Verification of JWT tokens using the public key and returning the claims set if validation is successful.
The article concludes by providing a comprehensive guide to generating and validating JWTs using RSA encryption and the nimbus-jose-jwt library.
