
spring-gateway 基于 nacos 配置文件的动态路由

278 2024-07-21


查看原文:spring-gateway 基于 nacos 配置文件的动态路由
Dynamic Routing with Nacos Configuration Summary

Article Summary: Dynamic Routing with Nacos Configuration

The article discusses the implementation of dynamic routing through Nacos configuration files.

1. Project Creation and Maven Dependencies

The article begins with instructions for creating a project and adding dependencies in the pom.xml file. These dependencies include Spring Boot, Spring Cloud Gateway, and Alibaba Nacos Discovery.

2. Configuration Class

A configuration class, GatewayConfig, is introduced to configure Nacos with parameters such as dataId, group, and timeout. This class uses @ConfigurationProperties for property binding.

3. Route Change Listener Class

The InFileRouteDefinitionRepository class is described, which listens for changes in the routes.json file in Nacos. It updates routing whenever a change is detected. The listener connects to Nacos Server, retrieves the configuration, and updates the routes accordingly. This update is managed through methods for adding, updating, and deleting route definitions.

4. Application Configuration

The article provides details on setting up the application.yml file, which includes configuring the server port, application name, and Nacos discovery server address. It emphasizes the importance of adding a routes.json file in the Nacos configuration center that adheres to the Spring Gateway route format.

5. Spring Boot Bootstrap Class

Finally, it introduces a Spring Boot bootstrap class named GwApplication that enables service discovery and starts the application. It mentions that dynamic routing can be tested and validated by modifying the routes.json configuration file in the Nacos configuration center.

The article ends with a reminder for readers to engage with the content by liking and watching the post.


查看原文:spring-gateway 基于 nacos 配置文件的动态路由