

11 2024-10-26


Python Math Library Summary

Python Math Library Overview

The math library in Python contains a variety of mathematical functions designed to solve different mathematical problems. This article presents commonly used functions from the math library, accompanied by example cases for educational purposes.

Mathematical Functions and Examples

  • Absolute Value: math.fabs(num) returns the absolute value of a number. For instance, math.fabs(-5) yields 5.0.
  • Ceiling: math.ceil(num) rounds a number up to the nearest integer. Example: math.ceil(4.7) results in 5.
  • Square Root: math.sqrt(num) calculates the square root of a number, such as math.sqrt(9) producing 3.0.
  • Floor: math.floor(num) rounds a number down to the nearest integer, as seen with math.floor(4.7) which gives 4.
  • Power: math.pow(base, exponent) performs exponentiation. For example, math.pow(2, 3) equals 8.0.
  • Logarithm: math.log(num) calculates the natural logarithm of a number. math.log(10) returns 2.302585092994046.
  • Factorial: math.factorial(num) computes the factorial of an integer, with math.factorial(5) equating to 120.
  • Sine: math.sin(radians) calculates the sine of an angle in radians. For example, math.sin(math.pi / 2) is 1.0.
  • Cosine: math.cos(radians) calculates the cosine, and math.cos(math.pi / 2) is approximately 0.
  • Tangent: math.tan(radians) returns the tangent of an angle. math.tan(math.pi / 4) equals 1.0.
  • Modulo: math.fmod(a, b) provides the remainder of a division.
  • Greatest Common Divisor: math.gcd(a, b) finds the largest number that divides both integers without leaving a remainder.
  • Exponential: math.exp(x) calculates e raised to the power of x, where e is the base of natural logarithms.
  • Fractional and Integer Parts: math.modf(value) breaks a number into its fractional and integer parts.

Mastering these common functions from the math library can significantly enhance programming efficiency.

