
用 WebFlux 写个 CURD 是什么体验?

65 2024-07-18


查看原文:用 WebFlux 写个 CURD 是什么体验?
WebFlux CURD Experience Summary

WebFlux CURD Experience Summary

WebFlux provides a reactive programming model for building non-blocking, event-driven applications in modern asynchronous web environments. This article demonstrates how to use WebFlux with MySQL database using R2DBC.

1. Project Creation

Create a Spring Boot project and add WebFlux and R2DBC MySQL dependencies in pom.xml.

2. Database Connection Configuration

Configure MySQL database connection details in application.properties or application.yml, using the R2DBC URL format.

3. Create Entity Class

An entity class, such as Tutorial, is created corresponding to the MySQL table tb_tutorial.

4. Create Repository Interface

A repository interface extending ReactiveCrudRepository is used for database operations, leveraging Spring Data R2DBC.

5. Create WebFlux Controller

The TutorialController is created to handle HTTP requests and perform database operations via the repository.

6. Testing

Test the CRUD operations with HTTP requests to the specified endpoints (e.g., GET, POST, DELETE).

7. Custom Query Methods

Custom query methods such as findByTitle can be added to the repository interface, with Spring Data R2DBC automatically generating the SQL statements based on naming conventions.

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查看原文:用 WebFlux 写个 CURD 是什么体验?