

15 2024-10-22


Large Language Models for Data Annotation: A Survey Summary

Large Language Models for Data Annotation: A Survey Summary


Data annotation is a critical yet challenging step in machine learning and natural language processing, involving classification, addition of contextual tags, confidence scores, alignment or preference labels, entity relationships, semantic roles, and time series tagging. This process presents significant challenges due to the complexity, subjectivity, and diversity of data, requiring domain expertise and resource-intensive manual annotation. Advanced Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT-4 offer promising opportunities to innovate and automate data annotation tasks.

Contributions of the Survey

The survey focuses on the unique application of LLMs in data annotation, contributing insights into:

  • LLM-based data annotation techniques and methodologies
  • Evaluation of LLM-generated annotations
  • Learning strategies utilizing LLM-generated annotations
  • Challenges and ethical considerations in using LLMs for annotation

LLM's Role in Data Annotation

LLMs play a crucial role in improving the effectiveness and precision of data annotation processes, automating tasks, ensuring consistency across large datasets, and adapting to specific domains through fine-tuning or prompting, setting a new standard in the NLP field.

Methodologies and Learning Strategies

The survey delves into the nuances of using LLMs for data annotation, exploring methodologies, learning strategies, and associated challenges in this transformative approach. It aims to reveal the motivations behind using LLMs as catalysts for redefining the data annotation landscape in the fields of machine learning and natural language processing.

LLM's Potential in Diverse Scenarios

The research considers various settings such as fully supervised, unsupervised, and semi-supervised learning, addressing how LLMs can serve as annotators and the learning strategies based on their annotations. The scenarios share the annotation process by LLMs and the learning strategy based on these annotations.

Techniques and Adjustments with LLMs

The survey formalizes common techniques used in interactions with LLMs, including input-output prompts, context learning, Chain-of-Thought prompting, instructional adjustments, and alignment adjustments, which are essential for generating annotations and aligning LLM behaviors with human preferences.

Automated and Human-Centric Feedback

Aligning LLMs with human-centric attributes involves strategies that include human feedback and automated feedback mechanisms, leveraging other LLMs or the same LLM to evaluate outputs. This includes the use of reinforcement learning strategies and the evaluation of model-generated annotations.

Evaluation of LLM-Generated Annotations

Effective evaluation of LLM-generated annotations is crucial, with the survey addressing both general and task-specific assessment methodologies, as well as data selection through active learning.

Learning from LLM-Generated Annotations

The survey examines methodologies for learning from LLM-generated annotations, exploring direct use of annotations for domain reasoning, knowledge distillation to bridge LLMs with task-specific models, and fine-tuning and prompting techniques utilizing LLM annotations.

Challenges and Social Impact

LLM data annotation faces challenges including technical barriers, accuracy issues, and the social impact of labor displacement and bias propagation. Addressing these challenges is crucial for advancing LLM annotation applications.


This survey provides a systematic examination of methods, applications, and barriers related to the use of LLMs, including innovative strategies like prompting engineering and domain-specific adjustments. It evaluates the impact of LLM-generated annotations on training machine learning models and addresses technical and ethical issues.

Limitations and Ethical Statement

The survey acknowledges limitations like sampling bias and hallucinations in LLMs, dependence on high-quality data, complexity of adjustment and prompting engineering, and challenges in generalization and overfitting. It also commits to ethical principles such as fairness, transparency, privacy, human oversight, and social impact considerations.

