

78 2024-08-09


Article Summary

The script provided is a JavaScript function that includes various utility functions to handle arrays and iterables, text overflow management in HTML elements, computation of the number of lines in an element, and setting new HTML content. It also includes a function to format and set descriptions for different types of content presentations.

Utility functions such as _arrayLikeToArray, _arrayWithoutHoles, _iterableToArray, _unsupportedIterableToArray, and _toConsumableArray are used to convert array-like or iterable objects into arrays. The _nonIterableSpread function throws an error for attempts to spread non-iterable instances.

The textOverflow function truncates text within an HTML element if it overflows the specified number of lines or its container's height. It includes methods to find and handle the last visible node and character before overflow, and to append additional HTML like ellipses or read-more links. The computeLineNum function calculates the number of lines in an element based on its offset height and line height style. The removeAllChild and setNewFrag functions are used to remove all child nodes of an element and to set new HTML content as a document fragment, respectively.

The __setDesc function processes and sets descriptions for elements based on the provided parameters, such as whether to encode the content, the type of item display, and any additional data like a super vote ID. It can filter content with links to WeChat articles, handle emoji formatting, and manage text overflow for immersive reading experiences. It is used to set descriptions for videos, text content, shared content, and more within a webpage. The function takes into account various content presentation requirements, such as the number of display lines, the presence of a super vote ID, and the desired text alignment.

Lastly, the script checks if the page is not a secondary open and then sets the description accordingly based on the type of content and its encoding preferences. This is executed with the __setDesc function, which is also exposed globally for further use.

