

190 2024-09-07


Three.js Material and Texture Summary

This document provides a summarized explanation of how to set up a basic scene with materials and textures using three.js in a Vue.js application context.

The document outlines the following steps:

  • Creation of a new scene and perspective camera within the mounted lifecycle hook of a Vue component.
  • Loading of a door color texture using three.js's TextureLoader and applying it to a basic material.
  • Adding a cube geometry with the textured material to the scene.
  • Initialization of the WebGL renderer and appending its canvas to the DOM.
  • Inclusion of orbit controls to enable camera manipulation with mouse interactions.
  • Adding an AxesHelper to the scene for better visualization of the coordinate system.
  • Implementing fullscreen toggle capability on double-click events.
  • Handling window resize events to adjust camera aspect ratio and renderer size.
  • Continuous rendering using the requestAnimationFrame method, with updates to controls and the rendering of the scene and camera.

Additionally, the document includes code for the Vue component's data function, which declares required variables such as renderer, scene, camera, cube, controls, and others.

It also describes the use of the dat.gui library for creating a GUI interface for easy manipulation of the scene parameters, although the specific implementation details are not provided in the summary.

Lastly, the document emphasizes the importance of updating controls and the camera's projection matrix within the resize event listener and the rendering loop to ensure the scene's responsiveness to user interactions and display changes.

