

64 2024-10-04


Code Review Checklist Summary

Code Review Checklist Summary

The primary goal of code review is to identify logical errors within the program, while programming style issues can be checked using style checking tools. The provided checklist is a valuable aid for code review experts to spot such logical errors.

Checklist Items

  1. Are the code comments consistent with the code itself, and are they necessary?
  2. Does the code have loops and/or conditions nested more than 3 levels deep?
  3. Do variable names accurately represent their function?
  4. Are all loop boundaries correct?
  5. Are all condition boundaries correct?
  6. Is there proper handling for exceptional cases of input parameters?
  7. Are all exceptions within the program handled?
  8. Does the code contain any duplications?
  9. Are there methods exceeding 20 lines of code?
  10. Are there classes containing more than 7 methods?
  11. Do methods have more than 3 parameters?
  12. Are there multiple reasons for modifying a class?
  13. Does a functional change require modifications in multiple classes?
  14. Are the constants used in the code appropriate?
  15. Does a method access multiple attributes from other classes?
  16. Do certain data items always appear together, yet they are not part of a class?
  17. Can switch statements be replaced by classes?
  18. Are there classes with very few responsibilities?
  19. Are there unused attributes or methods in a class?
  20. Does the code have method calls in the form of a.b().c() within class methods?
  21. Does a class method always call another class's method with the same name?
  22. Does a class consistently access another class's attributes and methods?
  23. Do two classes perform similar tasks with different method names without sharing a common parent class?
  24. Is a class composed only of fields and simple get/set methods?
  25. Does a subclass only use some of the parent class's attributes or methods?



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