
项目经理是否可以成为优秀的Scrum Master?

744 2023-09-01


查看原文:项目经理是否可以成为优秀的Scrum Master?

Do Project Managers Make Good Scrum Masters?

Stacey Ackerman surveys the Agile Mentors Community to understand if project managers can transition successfully into Scrum Masters. Members were asked to categorize their views into "yes," "no," or "it depends," leading to a range of opinions.

No Way!

Some members contend that project managers do not make good Scrum Masters, linking the failure to the traditional project management mindset, which conflicts with Agile principles. However, they acknowledge that individuals who used to be project managers can become excellent Scrum Masters if they adopt Agile thinking.

Yes, Project Managers Can Change

A member from the UK describes a friend, a former project manager, who embraced Agile through self-motivated learning and training, eventually becoming an Agile coach. This highlights the potential for project managers to succeed as Scrum Masters with the right mindset and dedication to learning.

It Depends

A Texas member notes that the transition from project manager to Scrum Master depends on various factors, including the team, product, business, and particularly the individuals involved. She shares her personal struggle with the transition, emphasizing the moment of realization when she truly grasped Agile values and principles.

The Agile Mindset

The key to a successful transition is the shift from a command-and-control approach to one that is guiding, supportive, and service-oriented. Project managers with an Agile mindset can be assets in Agile transformations, driving delivery of user value rather than functioning within silos.

Career Pathways for Project Managers

Experienced project managers in Agile have career options, including becoming chief Scrum Masters for multiple teams or Agile coaches. Some may transition into Product Owners, a role demanding product analysis and design skills.

Agile Project Management

In client-vendor projects, project managers may also assume the responsibilities of traditional management, like contract management and client interactions, while also fulfilling the roles of Scrum Master and Agile coach, leading to the concept of an Agile project manager.

Organizational Agile Transformation

The extent of Agile training and certification among project managers can be indicative of an organization's commitment to Agile transformation. If only Agile coaches are driving the change without project manager involvement, the transformation may not be sustainable.

Advice for Project Managers

Project managers are encouraged to understand basic software engineering, coding, and testing activities to better relate to their teams and build consensus.


查看原文:项目经理是否可以成为优秀的Scrum Master?


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