

808 2023-08-17


Article Summary

Summary of "Patterns and Antipatterns in Organizational Agility"

In the second installment of a series discussing organizational agility, also known as digital transformation, Jonathan Smart shares observations of common antipatterns and corresponding patterns. The article examines the pivotal shift in the digital era's 50-year cycle, drawing upon Carlota Perez's insights from "Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital". Smart highlights the displacement of traditional industrial companies by technology firms, referencing the notable exit of General Electric from the Dow Jones Industrial Index, which underscores the ongoing transition to new business models empowered by significant technological changes.

Smart emphasizes that the effectiveness of antipatterns and patterns is context-dependent; what may be an antipattern in one scenario could be a pattern in another, particularly based on the cultural norms of an organization. He asserts that the antipattern discussed is most relevant to large, old, bureaucratic, and global corporations, likening them to horses rather than unicorns. The insights are derived from lessons learned in practice, including failures, within a massive, centuries-old, global, non-natively agile, and highly regulated enterprise. The antipatterns and patterns are informed by personal experiences dating back to the early 1990s, predating the Agile Manifesto, as well as knowledge gained from the community and similar experiences in other 'horse' companies.

The article introduces an antipattern concerning transformation, where a larger "T" in Transformation equates to a greater change curve. This concept is aligned with the Kubler-Ross curve, originally pertaining to the stages of grief, which has been observed to be applicable in most change-related scenarios through repeated validation via colleague surveys. In essence, the bigger the emphasis on Transformation, the more significant the resistance and emotional journey that employees are likely to experience.

