

26 2024-10-01


Summary of Data Interaction in Software Measurement

Summary of Data Interaction in Software Measurement

Understanding the difference between reading and writing data interactions in software is generally straightforward, with a low probability of error. These actions involve the transfer of data between software and storage media. Reading moves data from persistent storage to internal processing, while writing does the opposite.

Key Points to Identify Reading and Writing:

  • Data Groups and Interest Objects: Each read or write involves data groups of a single interest object. Multiple reads or writes must be identified if multiple interest objects or different data groups of the same interest object are involved. Repeated reads or writes of the same data group count as a single action, as seen in software that reads exchange rates at regular intervals.
  • Do Not Confuse Reading with Input and Writing with Output: Reading and writing refer to data movement to and from persistent storage, respectively. Input and output involve data movement to and from the user of the function. These should not be confused as long as the user and persistent storage are distinguished.
  • Temporary Data Exclusions: Reads or writes of temporary data that are not interest objects and are used for implementation purposes do not count towards function points. An example is counting failed login attempts, which is not preserved after the function is completed.
  • Single Function Point for Read Requests: Issuing a read command and then receiving the data is counted as a single read function point. If user input is needed, an output followed by an input is counted, but if no specific user data request is necessary, only an input function point is counted.
  • Deletion Counts as Writing: Deleting a data group is considered writing, which aligns with common understanding and requires no further explanation.



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